
株式会社ベイクルーズ(以下「当社」といいます)は、当社が運営するオンラインショッピングサイト「MASTERMIND TOKYO」の運営・管理を通じてご提供するサービス(以下「本サービス」といいます)の利用規約(以下「本規約」といいます)を以下の通り定めます。 本サービスをご利用される方は、本規約の全ての条項を承諾していただくことが条件となりますので、ご登録される前に本規約を必ずお読みください。

第1条 本規約の適用範囲および変更


第2条 会員登録

「会員」とは、本規約の内容全てを承認いただいた上、当社所定の手続きに従い会員登録を申請し、当社がこれを承認した個人をいいます。 会員登録手続は、本サービスの会員登録ページから当社の指定する方法に従い、会員登録を希望する本人が行うものとします。代理による登録は一切認められません。
  • 当社の提供する何らかのサービスに関する規約に違反をしたことなどにより会員登録の抹消等の処分を受けていることが判明した場合
  • 会員登録の申請に虚偽の事項が含まれている場合
  • 商品又はサービス(以下「商品等」といいます)に関する料金などの支払債務の履行遅延その他の不履行があった場合
  • 本規約第6条(禁止事項)の行為を行った場合
  • その他本規約に違反した場合

第3条 登録内容の変更


第4条 ユーザIDおよびパスワードの管理


第5条 会員の退会


第6条 禁止事項

  • 本規約及び法令に違反する行為、犯罪に結びつく行為、公序良俗に反する行為、またはそれらのおそれのある行為
  • 会員登録又は登録内容の変更の際に虚偽の内容、又は第三者の情報を入力する行為
  • 本サービスの運営を妨げ、その他本サービスに支障をきたすおそれのある行為
  • 第三者に対して、会員の資格、地位又はその権利若しくは義務を貸与、譲渡、移転又は担 保設定、その他の処分をする一切の行為
  • 当社に対する債務の不履行(本規約に関する債務の不履行に限りません)
  • 他の会員および第三者もしくは当社の財産、プライバシー、著作権等の知的財産、その他の権利を侵害する行為、又はそれらのおそれのある行為
  • 他の会員および第三者、もしくは当社の誹謗、中傷、名誉を毀損する行為、又はそれらの恐れのある行為
  • 他の会員および第三者、もしくは当社に迷惑、不利益もしくは損害を与える行為、又はそれらの恐れのある行為
  • ユーザID及びパスワードを不正に使用する行為
  • 同業者の再販など、営利目的での購入
  • 反社会的勢力等への利益供与を目的とする一切の行為及び当該行為を直接又は間接に惹起し又は容易にする一切の行為
  • その他当社が会員として不適切と判断する一切の行為

第7条 著作権、商標権およびその他の知的所有権

本サービスを通じて提供されるいかなるコンテンツ(文章、イラスト、デザイン、写真、画像、ロゴ、アイコン、映像、プログラム等)(以下「コンテンツ」といいます)の著作権、 商標権およびその他の知的所有権は全て当社または正当な権利を有する第三者に帰属するものであり、会員および利用者はこれらの権利を侵害する行為を行わないものとします。

第8条 商品の購入

  1. 会員は、本サービスを利用して当社から商品等を購入することができます。会員は、商品等の購入に際して、当社が指定する方法に従って購入の申し込みを行うものとします。
  2. 当社から会員に対して前項の商品の購入申込内容を確認する旨の電子メールを送信した時点で、会員による当該本商品購入の申込みは当社により承諾され、当社と会員との間に当該商品に関する売買契約が成立し、会員には当社に対する当該商品の代金支払い債務が発生します。
  3. 前項の規定に拘らず、当該商品等に関する売買契約が成立した後であっても、本サービス利用に関して会員に不正行為又は不適当な行為があったことが 判明した場合、またはこれを強く疑わせる事情があった場合には、当社は、当社の判断で、当該売買契約につき、取消、解除、その他適切な措置をとることがで きるものとします。
  4. 商品購入の申込みは、会員本人が行うものとします。第三者が本人を代理し、または会員の名義を貸与して商品等を購入した場合であっても、商品等を購入したことから生ずる一切の権利義務は、会員が負担するものとします。

第9条 決済方法

商品等のお支払い金額は、消費税を含む商品代金、送料及びこれにかかわる取り扱い手数料並びにこれら手数料に関わる消費税の合計金額となります。 本サービスによって購入された商品のお支払いに関しては会員本人名義のクレジットカードによるお支払いによるものとします。

第10条 商品の購入取消し

1 当社は、会員との間で本商品の売買契約成立後、以下の各号に該当した場合、当該本商品の売買契約の取消し又は解除等をすることができるものとします。
  1. 出荷前までに商品が欠品した場合
  2. 出荷前までに商品に欠陥等が判明した場合
  3. 本商品を予約した場合において、当該予約した商品を製造又は販売することができない事由が生じた場合
  4. 商品の代金決済が理由の如何を問わず行われなかった場合
  5. 宛先不明、長期不在、又はその他の事由により、当社所定の期間内に商品を利用者に対して配送することができない場合
  6. 第2条各号又は第6条各号のいずれかに該当した場合
2 前項の場合であっても、会員は、本商品の売買契約の支払債務、その他本規約に基づく債務の弁済を一切免れないものとします。

第11条 商品の返品・交換


第12条 返金の方法


第13条 商品等に関する免責

  1. 本サービスにおいて売買される商品等に関する保証は、特に明示していない限り、添付されている製品保証書の記載内容に準拠するものとします。
  2. 掲載されている商品画像につきましては、できるだけ正確性を期しておりますが、画面設定および写真技法の関係で色目や大きさなどが実際の商品と若干異なる場合があります。 当社は、本サービスにおいて売買される商品等の品質、性能、他の商品との適合性その他の欠陥、及びこれらが原因で生じた損害、損失、不利益に関しては、本条第1項に定める以外のいかなる保証・責任も負わないものとします。
  3. 当社は、当社が契約する配送業者に対し商品を引き渡し、会員が登録している送付先への商品の発送を依頼した後に生じる配送先不明等による一切のトラブルに関しては、責任を負わないものとします。

第14条 情報の管理

  1. 当社は、会員から取得する個人情報を別途定める以下のプライバシーポリシーに基づき取り扱うものとし、会員は、これに同意するものとします。
  2. 当社は、原則として会員が会員登録手続および、その後の会員情報の変更登録において、開示した会員情報を会員の事前の同意なく第三者に対して開示・提供することはありません。 ただし、以下の場合には、会員の事前の同意なく、当社はこれらの会員情報を開示・提供できるものとします。
    • 統計的なデータとして、会員を識別できない状態に加工した場合
    • 法令などに基づき、会員情報の開示・提供を求められた場合
  3. 当社は、当社が利用することを承諾した上で会員が発信したコメントその他の情報について、当該情報が他の会員、第三者、もしくは当社の名誉もしくは信用を明らかに毀損、または法令に違反していると認められた場合等の理由により、当社が必要と判断した場合には会員に断りなくこれを削除、もしくは掲載場所を変更することができるものとします。
  4. 前3項の他、当社は別途定めるプライバシーポリシーに則り取得した会員情報を取り扱うものとします。

第15条 サービスの利用

本サービスを利用するに際しては、本規約及び当社が別途定めるプライバシーポリシーに、あらかじめ同意いただくものとします。 なお、会員が以下の各号に該当した場合には、予告なく会員の登録を抹消し、また、本サービスの利用を停止することがあります。
  • 会員が本規約に違反した場合
  • 会員の支払い能力が危うくなったと認めうる事情が判明した場合
  • 商品が品切れとなり、容易にお届けできない場合
  • 届先不明・長期不在でお届けできない場合
  • 本サービス利用に関して不正行為または不適切な行為があった場合
  • 本サービスにおいて提示した商品等の代金その他の販売条件に明らかな誤記があったことが判明した場合

第16条 サービスの変更・廃止

  • 本サービスを提供するためのコンピュータシステム(以下「システム」といいます)のトラブル等で緊急な保守点検が必要なとき
  • 火災、停電、天災その他不可抗力によりシステムの運用が困難になった場合
  • 人為的災害(戦争、暴動、騒乱、労働争議等)によりシステムの運用が困難になった場合
  • 第三者による妨害行為等により、システムの運用が困難になった場合
  • その他、やむを得ずシステムの停止が必要と当社が判断した場合

第17条 その他の免責事項


第18条 地位の譲渡


第19条 準拠法、合意管轄



代表取締役 窪田 祐

To outside japan

Baycrew’s Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") shall set forth the terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms and Conditions") of the services to be provided through the operation and administration of the online shopping site "MASTERMIND TOKYO" operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Services") as follows: Please be sure to read these Terms and Conditions before registering this Service as it is subject to your acceptance of all the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

Article 1 Scope and Changes of this Agreement

These Terms and Conditions shall apply to the use of the Service between the Member (as defined in Article 2) and us and shall be complied with after registration procedures and registration.
These Terms and Conditions may be added or changed without the prior approval of the Member by giving notice to the Member through posting on the website, e-mail, or other means that we deem appropriate.
In the event the procedures for withdrawal from membership registration are not taken after such notice, the member shall be deemed to have agreed to such amendment. In the event this Agreement is amended, the Member shall comply only with the revised Agreement.

Article 2 Membership registration

"Member" means an individual who has approved all the contents of this Agreement and has applied for membership registration in accordance with our prescribed procedures and who has approved the same by us.
The membership registration procedure shall be carried out by the person who wishes to register as a member in accordance with the method designated by us from the membership registration page of the Services. No substitute registration is permitted.
In the event that a person who has applied for membership registration falls under any of the following items, we may refuse registration or cancel registration once made without prior notice. In addition, we shall not disclose the reason for refusing membership registration.
  • In the event it is found that the member has been subject to a disposition such as cancellation of membership registration due to violation of the terms and conditions relating to any services that we provide.
  • Cases where an application for membership registration contains false matters
  • In the event of a delay in the performance of obligations to pay fees for goods or services (hereinafter referred to as "goods, etc.") or any other default
  • In the event of an act as set forth in Article 6 (Prohibited Matters) hereof
  • In the event of any other violation of this Agreement

Article 3 Modify an entry

In the event of any change in all or part of the contents of the registration information, the Member shall immediately change the contents of the registration by a method separately designated by us.
In the event such change is neglected, the processing based on the information already registered shall be appropriate and effective.
In addition, we shall not be liable for any damages caused by the absence of registration of change.

Article 4 Managing User IDs and Passwords

A member shall be responsible for the use and management of the user ID and password established and approved and registered by the member himself/herself at the time of membership registration, etc. In the event that a member loses a user ID or password, our group shall not be responsible for such loss.
The member shall not transfer, inherit, change the name, lend, disclose or divulge the user ID and password to a third party.
We shall not be liable for any damage caused by the use or management of the user ID and password of a member or the credit card number or by unauthorized use by a third party.

Article 5 Withdrawal of members

In the event a member wishes to withdraw from the membership, the member himself/herself shall delete the membership information by taking the prescribed procedures for withdrawal from the membership. In the event any obligation owed by the member to us exists upon withdrawal from the membership, the member shall necessarily lose the benefit of term with respect to all such obligations and shall immediately repay all obligations to us.

Article 6 Prohibited Matters

When using the Services, the Member shall not engage in any of the following acts:
  • Acts in violation of the Code and laws and regulations, acts linked to crimes, acts contrary to public order and morality, or acts that may occur
  • The act of entering false contents or information from a third party at the time of membership registration or change of registration contents.
  • Any act that may interfere with the operation of the Services or otherwise interfere with the Services
  • Lending, assigning, transferring or assuming the qualification, status or rights or obligations of a member to a third party All actions for maintenance and other disposal
  • Failure to perform its obligations to us (not limited to failure to perform its obligations in connection with this Agreement)
  • Acts that infringe or threaten to infringe upon the intellectual property or other rights of other members and third parties or us, such as our property, privacy, copyrights, etc.
  • Acts that defame or threaten to defame other members and third parties or us
  • Acts that cause or threaten to cause inconvenience, disadvantage or damage to other members and third parties or us
  • Unauthorized use of user IDs and passwords
  • Commercial purchases, such as resellers of peers
  • Any and all acts aimed at offering benefits to anti-social forces, etc. and any and all acts that directly or indirectly induce or facilitate such acts.
  • Any other act which we deem inappropriate as a member.


All copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights in and to any content (text, illustrations, designs, photographs, images, logos, icons, images, programs, etc.) (hereinafter referred to as the "Content") provided through the Services shall belong to us or any third party with legitimate rights, and neither the Member nor the User shall act in violation of these rights.
The use (reproduction, modification, diversion, transfer, distribution, posting, sale, publication, etc.) of all or any part of the contents or other contents of this Service for any purpose without permission is strictly prohibited.
In the event a problem arises with a third party in violation of the provisions of this article, the member shall settle such problem at his/her own responsibility and expense and shall not cause any damage, loss or disadvantage to us.

Article 8 Purchase of Products

  1. A member may purchase products, etc. from us using this service. When purchasing the Products, the Member shall apply for the purchase in accordance with the method designated by us.
  2. Upon sending an e-mail from us to the member confirming the details of the application for purchase of the goods set forth in the preceding paragraph, the member shall accept the application for purchase of said product, and a sales contract shall be concluded between us and the member with respect to said goods, and the member shall be liable to us for payment of the price of said goods.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the event a member is found to have committed a wrongful act or an inappropriate act with regard to the use of the Services, or there are circumstances strongly suspecting such misconduct, even after the sales contract for such Goods has been concluded, we shall be entitled to rescind, cancel, or take other appropriate measures with regard to such sales contract at our discretion. In addition, the same shall apply in the event it is found that there was an obvious error in the price of the goods, etc. presented by us in the Services or in any other terms and conditions of sale.
  4. An application for the purchase of the Products shall be made by the Member himself/herself. Even in the event a third party purchases goods, etc. on behalf of the principal or by lending the name of the member, the member shall bear all the rights and obligations arising from the purchase of the goods, etc.

Article 9 Settlement method

All shipping charges related to the delivery of the Products, etc. shall be borne by the Member.
The payment amount for the Products, etc. shall be the total of the product price, including consumption tax, shipping charge, handling charge for the Products, etc., and consumption tax related to these fees.
Payment of the products purchased by the Service shall be made by credit card under the name of the Member.
Payment by credit card shall be subject to the terms and conditions separately agreed upon by the member with the credit card company. In addition, in the event of any dispute between a member and a third party such as the relevant credit card company, both parties shall settle such dispute, and we shall not be responsible for such dispute.

Article 10 Cancellation of Purchase of Goods

1 In the event of any of the following after the conclusion of the sales contract for product with a member, we shall be entitled to cancel or cancel the sales contract for such product:
  1. Shortage of goods before shipment
  2. In the event a defect, etc. is found in the goods prior to shipment
  3. Cases where, in cases where a product has been reserved, grounds have arisen for being unable to manufacture or sell the Goods for which such reservation has been made
  4. In the event the payment for the goods is not settled for any reason whatsoever
  5. In the event the goods cannot be delivered to the user within the prescribed period of us due to unknown address, long absence or for any other reason.
  6. In the event of any of the items of Article 2 or the items of Article 6
2 Even in the event of the preceding paragraph, the member shall not be relieved of any obligation payable under the sales contract of product or any other obligation under this Agreement.

Article 11 Return and exchange of products

In accordance with the Shopping Guideline ≫, we will accept only when you contact the ≪ Return/Replacement Contact ≫.
No return or replacement of defective products or incorrect deliveries for any reason not attributable to us shall be accepted for the convenience of the member (such as incorrect size or image). The Member shall return the Goods in accordance with the procedures set forth below by us.
We shall bear the shipping charges for return or replacement only for reasons attributable to us, such as defective products or incorrect deliveries.
The member who wishes to exchange the goods shall be dispatched upon the arrival of the goods to us and the preparation of the relevant goods.
In the event replacement is impossible due to out-of-stock, etc., a refund shall be provided. The refund method shall be in accordance with the provisions of the following article.

Article 12 Method of Refund

In the event the payment method is credit card settlement, the payment shall be refunded from the credit card company in principle.

Article 13 Exemption from Liability for Goods, etc.

  1. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the warranty with respect to the goods sold or purchased in the Services shall be governed by the contents of the attached product warranty card.
  2. The product images listed on the page are as accurate as possible, but the color, size, and other factors may differ slightly from those of the actual product depending on the screen settings and photographic techniques.
    We shall not assume any warranty or liability other than as set forth in Paragraph 1 of this article with respect to the quality, performance, compatibility with other products, or other defects of the goods sold or purchased in the Services, or damage, loss, or disadvantage caused thereby.
  3. We shall not be responsible for any trouble caused by unknown delivery destinations, etc., arising after delivering the goods to the delivery company to which we contract and requesting the shipment of the goods to the delivery destination registered by the member.

Article 14 Information management

  1. We shall handle the personal information obtained from the Member in accordance with the following privacy policy separately set forth, and the Member shall agree thereto.
  2. In principle, in the course of membership registration procedures and subsequent registration of changes in membership information, we shall not disclose or provide the disclosed membership information to any third party without the prior consent of the member. Provided, however, that in the following cases, the Company shall be entitled to disclose and provide such member information without the prior consent of the member.
    • When the member is processed in a state in which the member cannot be identified as statistical data
    • When member information is required to be disclosed or provided in accordance with laws and regulations
  3. We shall be entitled to delete or change the posting place of any comments or other information sent by the Member upon acceptance of the use by us if we deem it necessary for such reason as the information obviously defames or defames another Member, a third party or our reputation, or is found to be in violation of laws and regulations, without refusing to notify the Member.
  4. In addition to the preceding three clauses, we shall handle the membership information obtained in accordance with the privacy policy separately stipulated.

Article 15 Use of services

When using the Service, you shall agree to this Agreement and the privacy policy separately stipulated by us in advance.
In the event a member comes under any of the following items, the membership registration may be cancelled without prior notice and the use of the Services may be suspended.
  • In the event a member violates this Agreement
  • In the event it is found that the member's ability to pay is compromised
  • Cases where the product is out of stock and cannot be delivered easily
  • When the product cannot be delivered due to an unknown or long-term absence
  • In the event of any misconduct or improper conduct in connection with the use of the Services
  • In the event it is found that there has been an obvious error in the price of the Goods, etc. presented in the Service or in any other sales conditions.

Article 16 Change or abolition of services

In the event of any of the following, we may suspend, change or discontinue the Services without prior notice.
  • When emergency maintenance is required due to problems with the computer system for providing the Services (hereinafter referred to as the "System")
  • Cases where the system has become difficult to operate due to fire, power failure, natural disaster, or other force majeure.
  • Cases where the system has become difficult to operate due to human-induced disasters (war, riot, disturbance, labor dispute, etc.).
  • Cases where the system has become difficult to operate due to interference by a third party, etc.
  • In the event the Company determines that a system shutdown is necessary for unavoidable reasons

Article 17 Other Disclaimers

We shall be exempted from any damages incurred by the Member as a result of the administration of affairs in accordance with the registration contents of the Member.
We shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Member due to the interruption, delay, or discontinuation of the system or the falsification of the web page due to the failure of the communication line or computer in spite of the considerable safety measures taken by us.
We do not guarantee that mail content sent from our webpage server domains, etc. does not contain computer viruses or other harmful objects.
We may provide our members with information and advice from time to time, but we shall not be responsible for it.
We shall not be liable for any damages caused by the member's violation of this Agreement.
In the event that a member causes damage, etc. to other members or third parties as a result of using the Services, such member shall settle such damage, etc. at his/her own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any damage, etc. to us.

Article 18 Assignment of Status

In the event that the business pertaining to the Services is transferred (including, but not limited to, the transfer of ordinary business assignment, company split, etc., and other business), the Company may transfer to the assignee of the business assignment all the information concerning the membership status, rights and obligations under this Agreement, registration matters of the member, and other membership in accordance with this Agreement in connection with the business assignment, and the Member shall agree in advance to such transfer.

Article 19 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan, and in the event of the necessity of litigation concerning this Agreement, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance.

Established March 22, 2022
Effective April 1, 2022

Baycrew’s Co., Ltd.
23-21, Shibuya 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
Hiroshi Kubota, Representative Director